One Easy Trick To Guide Your Mind Intuitively
This Lesser-Known Fact About Mind Is All You Need. A simple realignment that can help you understand yourself better.
Did you know Frigate birds utilise half their brains or no brain at all when they glide? Something still keeps them in the sky. What is this unknown faculty that compensates for the brain? It does sound like a better prospect than staying on the ground and deploying full brain capacity. What an escape from the delirious and restless loop of mental activity. Can humans tap into this evolutionary advantage?

We have to agree to some extent that our brain and its constant functionality tire us out, albeit we secretly enjoy it. It is a tedious and stubborn streak. Even though we glorify and decorate the means to stifle mental disorientation, we are constantly chasing extreme and detrimental ways to tone it down - drugs, relationships, sex, near-death experiences, etc.
Unfortunately, our cognitive faculties are revered and endorsed as something indispensable to our existence as humans. Mind narratives perpetuate suffering, but we are not happy to admit it unless it translates into anxiety and depression for us.
We consider the optimum utilisation of the brain is directly proportional to our growth.
But what are we supposed to grow into?
A personality, a role that is unnatural to our inherent nature? Is there ever a point in time when we have grown to our fullest and secured well-deserved moments to rest, to savour our growth. Do we cherish the struggles? Or do we again measure it relative to some point in future, for it has become an unnoticed incessant compulsion?
The future never gets to a point in time to be the ‘present.’
The present is always defeated at the hands of a non-existential future. The present is incapable of defending itself unless we choose to take a stand for the “present.” Maybe then we will be blessed in presence, we will be joyful receivers of abundance.
One profound expression, that stayed with me and formulated my experiencing
“What you see as the world, the world reflects it back.”
A limiting, contracting and fearful perception will reflect a dreadful world. Grace reflects grace. I would prefer the latter, but most of us blame the world for its reflection when all it acts is a mere reflection of our own perception.
Growth turns out to be an exhausting undertaking. We grow for the sake of happiness, but we forget the premise too soon. Before we know it, we are compulsively marching towards growth. Have we overlooked the purpose that was associated?
The underlying purpose does not constitute the central reason anymore.
The compulsion, ‘to be,’ is a convert now and has concretized itself into a habit. Growth has always been the norm, even at the expense of happiness. If we are to disassociate growth from happiness, will we still be equally enthusiastic about growing? This is a question we must genuinely ask ourselves before we lose our wits in the race.
Can we be dead without our brains?
There seems to be another aspect, which undermines the role and sole authority of the mind's perception in governing life. Let us discuss some of the assumptions and experimental results.
Which is more ‘death’, a person with a dead brain or a person who is dead, with an artificial cerebellum? Is this even possible?
Guess, we haven’t known it yet, because even after having the opportunity to replicate human brains and with the state of the art laboratories, we are still unable to design a prototype of brains. We don’t have a scientist deficit, yet it astounds us, we can’t model a human being. We can’t create life. Should we still be so presumptuous after all? This is one fine proof of the incapacity of our minds at doing.
A medical condition named cerebellar agenesis defines the absence of one part of the brain responsible for motor movement — the cerebellum. The symptoms may vary greatly, but at the same time, surprisingly, studies showed that the patients have lived a completely normal life managing the missing part.
How is this possible? Aren’t we supposed to be incapacitated as our existence is hinged upon the optimum utilization of brains?
Let’s not go too far with this proposition. Have you ever paid attention to your own understanding? Where does this take place?
By conducting self- investigations, we can see for ourselves that the understanding doesn’t occur in our minds. We can sense a subtle expansion as the understanding arises. We tend to memorize things that are understood.
When we are in love, we tend to memorize their acts and nuances and talks much more effectively than we would memorize a calculus equation, the calculations that have occurred using the mind's processes. Unless we have loved the calculus equation enough, the understanding is not thorough and easily forgettable.
Science and its understanding of the essence —
The scientific world argues the brain's competence over the ‘unknown element,’ but we cannot ignore its presence. We and all of the scientific community might choose to overlook the presence of an ineffable presence, but we as individuals know it most intimately, more closely than the results of an experiment performed at CERN. Experiments capture our attention as it titillates our mental faculties.
This undeciphered understanding is like a gust of wind that brushes us and leaves us contented.
We cannot prove its presence later on to our faculties. We cannot memorize it. This impalpable experience is unacceptable to our minds. Thus, we are too quick to reject it. Maybe, one day when the proof in our hearts is globally validated, socially accepted, and in course of time given its due importance, we will acknowledge its paramount potential.
Some folks who do recognise this early on change the world, but a few are often fearful of admitting to this secret in open.
Once, we course correct ourselves by recognising this essence, maybe then as a culture, we will march towards a loving future, a conscious future comprising of an effortless kindness and not a preached one.
Maybe then there will be no more need for empathy subjects to be taught to nations in global conventions.
Maybe harmony and peace will turn out as intrinsic to our nature. Maybe, the wars would look like a distant nightmare. Maybe!