I Write Because I Have A Song!

I won't teach you swimming because you are already afloat. ___________________________________________________________________

Ve mahiya tere dekhan nu, chuk charkha gali de vich panwa,Ve loka paane main kat di, tang teriya yaad de panwa.

Oh darling, to get your glimpse, I have placed the charkha in the lane outside the house, People around think I am spinning the threads of cotton, But I am actually spinning the thread of your memories.

Under the guise of charkha’s sound, the music of your memories keeps ringing in my heart-- Bulleh Shah

I keep in my heart Bulleh Shah Kalams(Sufi Poetry), for one is dipped in love and lost in the cause. Write for the sake of love, for the sake of celebrating this love!

The beloved doesn’t care about what Aditi is or what Aditi does, precisely because the name is an illusion, illuminated by something beyond mental comprehension. I and my beloved are one like each apparent manifestation is.

The significance is always of the Quality of Perspective and View that a body-mind brings uniquely through their expression.

I don't exist but the impulse does.

🌞All verbs and no nouns - it is a plain manifested world from the Absolute's point of view!

The importance time and again is of the writings. The impulse to write doesn’t write to preach and teach, impulse is to write for the love of the craft and because most often impulse has something to say.

Impulse writes about Awareness/Reality/Truth/Brahman and its 'nature.'

Impulse shares the core non-dual perspectives and correlates them to our daily experiences. Impulse also writes about the nature of one's unique outer purpose that helps one in discovering one true path.

Impulse doesn’t write about diverse subjects. I am fortunate that mostly Impulse only has to say something about Truth and its Nature. Impulse and past conditioning are also interested in how truth peeps through the window of Physics, Philosophy and Psychology and would sometimes correlate the two.

I enjoy writing about the Creative Impulse, and how to harness your most innate creative impulse and manifest your creativity.


Since, I belong to a country where the Medium Partnership Program doesn't work, if you do enjoy my readings and only if you, consider buying me a coffee with love to support my creative expression. If interested in customised learnings and insights, you can also connect with me by choosing a membership way.


Aditi Rishi

Aditi Rishi

I dissect the direct experience of Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Spiritual Awakening, Creative Manifestation, filter it through mind and put it in words. Recluse.